How to Start Freelancing in Nepal and Earn Money Online


Obviously, if you're a teenager or even in your 20s, you definitely search for "How to start freelancing in Nepal and earn money online free" at least once in your life. If that so, then this article will help you to get started with freelancing in Nepal in 2024.

Introduction of Freelancing

So, if you're new to this field, then Freelancing is an service that you provide to your clients through various platforms like Upwork, freelancer, fiverr, people per hour, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. 

You get paid for your skills such as content writing, graphic designing, voiceover, translation, video editing, and many more micro niches.

Freelancing can be a great opportunity for Nepalese people because the chance of getting job is very low in Nepal, and if you have some great skill set, then you can make money while sitting in your chair in your hometown.

How to Start Freelancing in Nepal and Earn Money Online
Freelancing in Nepal

Understanding Freelancing

So, freelancing is basically, providing services to clients based on your skills and you get paid for your work. Freelancing refers to working independently rather than being employed by a company.

Types of Freelance Jobs

Freelancing encompasses a wide range of jobs, including:

  • Content writing
  • Copy writing
  • Blogging
  • Logo designing
  • Building website, apps
  • SEO marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing,
  • Video editing etc.

Things that are required to do Freelancing in Nepal

To do freelancing, you need following things:
  • Laptop or computer
  • Bank account
  • PayPal account: if you have PayPal account, it is very beneficial for payment withdrawals.
  • Internet connection

Benefits of Freelancing in Nepal

1) Economic Benefits

Freelancing can provide a significant income, especially when working with international clients who may offer higher rates. You can make more than $1000 / month once you become Level 1 or Level 2 Seller on Upwork.

2) Flexibility

Freelancing is more popular because of how flexible it is. You can work from your home, with your laptop. You don't need to go to the office on time, you don't need to work for your boss. 

Steps to Start Freelancing in Nepal in 2024

The Journey to the freelancing really starts with your mindset, your interest, your hobbies or your skills. So, the first step would be

1) Identify Your Skills

Firstly look inside you, try to find any skills that you're good at, whether it could be writing, designing, coding, marketing. If you've any skills, then it is best for your journey ahead.

But what if you don't have any skills?

2) Learn New Skills

Learning new skill is not difficult, especially in today's world. You can have access to various courses on Youtube or any other course platforms like Udemy.

Identify your interest and then learn skill based on your interest. 

For example: I used to edit some videos from my friends, their vlogs, my short videos, then I hook into the video editing process, then I learn more about it. I created more videos, and sharpen my skill.

Here are 5 Skills that are for beginners and students in Nepal

  1. Graphic Design: logo design, UI/UX design, Thumbnail design, Instagram Page design
  2. Video editor: For Youtube, Tiktok, Faceless YouTube channels, Instagram reels 
  3. Content writing: for blogging, for youtube video script, for copywriting
  4. Data Analaysis: Data entry, Statistical analaysis
  5. Web development: Developing mobile application or website with the help of skills like HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.

Here's one video I made for the 10 Best Freelance Skills to start with in Nepal to make $1000 per month.

3) Create a Portfolio

To impress the clients, you need to have a strong portfolio of your skills and your previous works or reviews from clients. To create a portfolio, you can make a website and list out your works, achievements, certificates, and reviews from past works. 

4) Online Presence

Having a strong online presence is crucial. Create a professional profile on LinkedIn and other relevant platforms like Instagram or YouTube where potential clients can find you.

5) Choose a Freelancing Platforms

Basically, there're several freelancing platforms globally, but for the context of Nepal, here're some of the popular freelancing platforms;

A) Upwork

Upwork is probably the best freelancing platform for Nepalese peoples because it accept Nepali bank account which you don't find on any other platforms. But, Upwork has $500 minimum withdrawals requirements, which is kind of difficult to fulfill as a beginner freelancer.

upwork gigs example
Here, client's will post the job, and you'll have to send proposals.

Here, clients will upload gigs (works) and you will have to send proposals for the work. And if your proposal get accepted, then you'll get job.

B) Fiverr

Unlike Upwork, Fiverr, do not accept Nepali bank account meaning that we can not connect Nepali bank account to Fiverr. 

The working method of Fiverr is opposite to the Upwork. 

Here, you'll have to create a gigs like what you can do for the clients, what are your offers, rates, what are your skills. Example:

Fiverr gig example
Here, this guy is offering to create a youtube, podcast intro and outro logo animation for $95. So, this is a typical example of gigs on Fiverr.

C) People per hour

Access global talent on the freelancer website trusted by over 1 million businesses worldwide
People per hour has following advantages:
  • Get matched with expert freelancers in minutes
  • Dedicated 24/7 customer service team
  • Money back guarantee and anti-fraud protection

D) Freelancer

E) Toptal

F) Flexijobs

G) SimplyHired

H) Guru, etc.

Actually there're many more freelancing sites to work but if I'm being honest, there're very less clients or works compare to fiverr, Upwork, freelancer and peopleperhour. These 4 sites are popular in their field. So, I highly recommend you to choose one out of these 4 sites.

6) Finding the Freelance Jobs

You can find freelance jobs by following ways:

- Freelance platforms (Upwork, fiverr, freelancer, peopleperhour, etc.)

- Local platforms (Nepali YouTubers, Tiktokers, Instagram creators can be your potential clients)

- Networking (Find clients through your family and friends, social media, online communities and forums etc)

7) Applying for Freelance Jobs

Step 1: Create a Winning Proposal

Highlight your skills, experience, and most importantly, how you can add value to the client's project. Write your proposal based on client's demand or requirements. Don't let AI like chatgpt or riter to write the proposal for client's project.

Step 2: Setting Rates

Determine your rates based on your skills, experience, and the market demand. Research other freelancers in your niche and setup your rates.

Step 3: Communication Skills

Good communication is key to freelancing success. Clear sentence and correct grammar will build trust and professional relationship with the client.

Step 4: Building Relationships

Focus on building long-term relationship with clients. Deliver quality work on time for recurring or repeating clients.

8) Setting Up a Payment Method

After you earn some money, then you will need to setup a payment method. Payment method should be same for you and your clients. Mostly used payment methods are Paypal, Payoneer, or bank transactions.
On Upwork, you can link Nepali bank account.
On Fiverr, or any other you can not link Nepali bank account, so, you'll need to make Paypal account or Payoneer account. 

9) Legal and Financial Setup

You don't need to worry about it when you're just starting, later, when you starts to make money more than $1000 per month (i.e Rs. 1,00,000 per month) then you'll have to pay taxes to the government and you'll have to register your freelance business. 
These things are not for beginners, when  you make decent amount of money, you can hire a manager to manage your finances and legal regulations.

10) Overcoming Challenges

Freelancing has some challenges as well:
a) Finding a job as a beginner is very difficult.
b) Dealing with competition
c) Irregular Income
d) Time management issues
e) Client related issues 
f) Rejections from clients
g) Late payments from clients
h) Bad reviews can be very demotivating, etc

You will have to face all of these challenges on your freelancing journey, but remember one thing, always learn from your mistakes, adapt the new trends, learn new technology and improve yourself. Always seek feedback and improve yourself to outbid the competition on your niche. Freelancing is fun because you will get paid for doing what you love and it is work from home.


Starting a freelancing career in Nepal and earning money online for free is achievable with the right approach and resources. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create your successful freelancing journey. 

Additional Resources to learn about Freelancing:
Website: Coursera, Udemy, Khan Academy
Freelance Platforms: Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer
Tool: Trello, Slack, Google Workspace


Q: How do I start freelancing with no experience?
A: Start by identifying your skills, learning new ones if necessary, and creating a portfolio to showcase your work.

Q: How do I set my freelance rates?
A: Research what other freelancers in your niche are charging and consider your skills and experience when setting your rates.

Q: How do I handle difficult clients?
A: Maintain professional communication, set clear expectations from the start, and address any issues promptly and professionally.

By following these guidelines, you can start your freelancing career in Nepal and achieve success in the online marketplace. Happy freelancing!

Queries solved in this article:

  • How to start freelancing in Nepal and earn money online free
  • Upwork in Nepal
  • Fiverr in Nepal
  • Upwork Nepal
  • Freelancer
  • Nepali freelancing website
  • Freelancing in Nepal for Students
  • Upwork payment in Nepal
If you wanna watch video about Freelancing in Nepal, then watch this:


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